Generate a UUID in Go

Go is a compiled, statically typed programming language.

First designed in 2007 at Google, its goals were to create a modern programming language that improved upon the weaknesses in the other languages in use at Google. Although supported by Google, Go is open source and runs on Windows, Mac, Linux and FreeBSD.

How to Generate a UUID in Go

Although the Go programming language itself does not have built-in support for generating a UUID or GUID, there are quality 3rd party, open-source packages that you can use instead.

The Go package we recommend for generating UUIDs is called, go.uuid. It can generate Version 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 UUIDs.

Installing the go.uuid Package

To get started with the package, you'll need to install it. You can do this with the go command:

% go get

Generating UUIDs

With the go.uuid package installed, you can now use it in your Go code.

package main
import (
func main() {
myuuid, err := uuid.NewV4()
fmt.Println("Your UUID is: %s", myuuid)


  • Line #5 imports the go.uuid package, providing access to the uuid object.
  • Line #9 generates the Version 4 UUID and saves it in the variable, myuuid.
  • The output from line #10 will be something like:
    Your UUID is: 83064af3-bb81-4514-a6d4-afba340825cd

The go.uuid package has a number of other functions, such as for converting from a string representation of a UUID into a byte slice and back. You can read more about the Go UUID package on its GoDoc project page.

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