Generate a UUID in Delphi

Delphi is a high-level, compiled, strongly typed programming language that supports structured, object-oriented, and generic programming paradigms. It is developed by Embarcadero Technologies (originally by Borland) and is based on the Object Pascal language.

Delphi is designed for rapid application development (RAD) on Windows, macOS, iOS, Android, and Linux platforms. It is widely used for developing a diverse range of applications, from desktop and mobile applications to enterprise-level and database-driven applications.

How to Generate a UUID in Delphi

The Delphi language has built-in support for generating Version 4 UUIDs. Here's an example of how you would create a UUID in Delphi.

UUIDString: string;
UUIDString := GUIDToString(MyUUID);


  • On line #2, include the System.SysUtils unit, which contains the CreateGUID function.
  • Line #4 declares a variable of type TGUID, while line #5 declares a string variable.
  • On line #7, the CreateGUID function is called to generate a new UUID and store it in the MyUUID variable.
  • After generating the UUID, you can use the GUIDToString() function to convert the TGUID to a string.

    Note that the string includes braces ({}) around the UUID.

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